YEAH My house is full again of men. My oldest is home for 10 days, getting him home was quite an ordeal. His plane was late from Palm Springs to Phoenix so he could not make his transfer flight to Chicago. Luckily his Aunt lives in Phoenix and he didn't have to sleep in the airport. Then US Airlines didn't confirm his flight so when he got back to the airport he didn't have a flight again but they finally found him a flight. Thank God! My middle son finally decided to visit. I had not heard from Gener(middle son) for 2 weeks and was so upset/angry/worried that I was sick to my stomach and bawling. He has made some really bad decisions lately. I have asked myself 50 times this week what have I done wrong that my son doesn't want anything to do with me. My youngest has also let his grades drop some and boy oh boy have I been in a mood. I tried yesterday to just be happy that my oldest was home but I am not good at just letting things go. I cannot pretend things are hunky dory. I have to discuss/vent/yell what my feelings and emotions are. I can't keep them to myself. I wear my emotions on my sleeve, my family can look at me and know what kind of mood I'm in.
Anyway... I don't know how this works but as I am discussing his recent actions, he hugs and kisses me and says I love you mom. Instantly I begin to wonder if he is really stubborn/reckless or have I have been over-reacting. My heart is screaming at me how can you be mad at him he loves you! I forget everything bad that has happened in the last week and my mood goes from crappy to wonderful.
I am big into family meals. When the boys were growing up we always sat down at the table together to eat but as the boys got older and so many different schedules family meals became farther and farther apart. I came from a eat together family and I love how close we are. Also I love all the commercials about families that eat together, I point them out and say see why I want everyone at the table for supper. Cheesy I know but... I made chili last night and we all sat down at the table together the 5 of us. I had forgotten how great it feels to just sit, talk, and eat.
The highlight of my day/week/year was last night. I received four different kisses good night. I have not gotten bedtime kisses in a long from the boys. I am truly blessed!!