Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Deployment sucks!

My oldest son was sent to Iraq last week. I have not been able to think about it without breaking down so it has been awhile since my last blog. I have had 2 really bad days so far, the day he left and last Saturday. Last Saturday I stayed in bed all day. I finally got up around 8pm when my 2 younger sons made me get up and play Pictionary with them. I can't wait until we play this game with a bunch of people camping. It will be hilariously funny. I also got to play a hand of Euchre which is my favorite card game. I managed to have a lot of fun for a couple hours. The other 3 men in my family have been spoiling me rotten for the last week. I am hoping for a movie and some snuggle time this weekend. It is my birthday Friday so I'm thinking my teenagers will still be really sweet towards me for 1 more day at least. LOL The weekends are difficult because I'm just waiting for the phone to ring. I don't even want to leave the house. I know he has our cell number but cell to cell sometimes the connections get lost or never connect. I have received a couple emails but I just so badly want to hear his voice. I know that he is exactly where he wants to be, doing exactly what he wants to be doing. I just WORRY! I have read up on where he is stationed and it seems pretty safe. That is what I keep telling myself anyway. I just wonder how safe can Iraq be for an American? I know I know he is a big strong Marine but he will always be my little boy. Have I mentioned before I hate my boys growing up?

To everyone for putting up with my crappy butt
Lisa for the visit and the flowers
Nikki for the talk!


  1. Right there with you girl! I think about him all the time and it's all worry. What ever you do, do NOT look up Iraq on youtube. It scared the crap out of me the other day and I went right straight to bed and cried. ;^( Let's just work together to do the positive things on this end like those care packages. I think we need those way more than he does. Hang in there girl!

  2. Yes....Lisa was worrying herself sick with YouTube videos when I got there Sunday. Hang in there April. I think hearing his voice will make things easier for you.

  3. Yeah, I got back on after you left Sarah. Like a dummy. I should have taken your advice. I just had to learn my lesson the hard way.
