Monday, May 18, 2009
Rockford Speedway
I took 4 grown kids(my husband, middle son, youngest son, Phillip) and 6 little kids to the Speedway Saturday night.
Blake(9) Cohl(9) Chloe(6) Breanna(3) Cadin(3) Caden(3)
It was kids night and the speedway had a candy scramble and a school bus jump. The kids loved it. I was afraid the noise would be too much for them but it didn't even phase them at all. I wish I would have taken my camera. The look on Cadin's face when he saw those race cars was so precious. He thought Lighting McQueen had come to life. The two girly girls really got into it. Uncle Jamie was so proud. They were screaming for the pink 51 car to win. I think every car they wanted to win was pink. LOL. They enjoyed tons of snacks cotton candy, nachos, popcorn, french fries, and pops besides the candy they found in the scramble. Of course they all had to have a racing flags which soon turned into swords. We were at the speedway from 6:30pm to 11pm and not one single fight or tear. The kids loved the playground and would run back and forth to watch the cars zoom by then back to the playground again. It worn them out even the big kids. Everyone was fast asleep by midnight! It was a great night.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Tons of stuff going on!

This is what I woke up to yesterday. I am totally blessed! I went and had lunch with my mom and worked out in the yard. It was a perfect day!
Saturday I had to go into work for a little while we had Open House on Friday & Saturday with a really nice turn out. On Saturday afternoon We went to my cousin's anniversary party she has been married 30 years. We don't see that side of the family much and it was great to get together. Congrats Carla!
Saturday night We went to a free steak dinner given to all the volunteers that helped with the Fish Fry's. It was delicious, especially since my husband and I have joined a Biggest Loser contest. We ate salad all week. I really need to lose weight and get in better shape. My husband lost 14 lbs and I lost 11.5 lbs but we didn't eat very well this past weekend so we are jumping back on the bandwagon today!
My middle son turned 18 on Friday and we did pizza and cake. We went fishing and had a bonfire until we got rained out. I am sick of rain! This is the second time I got soaked from head to toe but I should not complain. My oldest called home from Iraq on Saturday and he said it is 120 degrees night and day. I guess I don't mind getting wet compared to sweating to death.
Well I better get back to work I need to study for my final tomorrow. I have more test and I'm done with school until August. YEAH!!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Cohl's birthday Party
Well Cohl turns 9 next Saturday but his family party was today because he is getting so big he wants a camp out with friends from school. I bet everyone can guess what he got for presents. We bought him a Airsoft pistol with bb's and an extra clip plus a bow and arrow set. My parents bought him a skateboard and a Nerf gun. His mom bought him a Lord of the Rings gauntlet set with swords and daggers and a video game of course. Boys are so easy to buy for maybe because of all the practice I have had buying boy stuff. Sorry no pics forgot my camera today.
The weather is crappy this weekend it has rained all weekend and it was supposed to be nice. I swear I can guess better than the weatherman.
The weather is crappy this weekend it has rained all weekend and it was supposed to be nice. I swear I can guess better than the weatherman.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I am so happy the weather is finally getting warmer. I can't wait for our first camping weekend. I love spending time with my family & friends outside. Tubing, campfires, picnics, drinks, fishing, canoeing, cards, dice, games, and smores always something to do. This year we have a couple new places to camp. My husband joined the Ellida club and they have a beautiful park. We have camped there before once and loved the place. We are also going to visit my husband's sister Lori and her family in Smithfield. They have a big farm with lots of kids and animals. I hope my youngest son brings along some of his swimming buddies so he has company since his brothers won't be along. We will also be looking for new campgrounds. Last year we went north and found 2 very nice places, one is in Lodi and the other was in Wild Rose, WI. I think we will also be visiting Jamie's mom & stepdad's place again. We got to stay on the point a couple of years ago and my husband loved the fishing!
Come on summer!
Come on summer!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Care packages
Thank you to everyone that has been helping send stuff over to our troops! I just dropped off another 6 phones to Cell phones for Soldiers and another huge box at the post office. My son should be very popular in his tent!
I have talked to my son a couple times but not for long. He said the temperature is in the 80's so far but getting hotter everyday. They don't have four seasons like we do. They have a windy, dry, and very very short rainy season. It is the windy season right now. The place is an ocean of sand, not hard compacted sand but loose sand. There are millions of sand flies that get in their, ears, eyes, nose, & mouth constantly. The loose sand is being blown around so much it looks hazy all the time. He said the sand gets into everything. Roo usually does not cuss in front of me but told me that place is the asshole of the Earth.
I can't say this enough Thank you again!
I have talked to my son a couple times but not for long. He said the temperature is in the 80's so far but getting hotter everyday. They don't have four seasons like we do. They have a windy, dry, and very very short rainy season. It is the windy season right now. The place is an ocean of sand, not hard compacted sand but loose sand. There are millions of sand flies that get in their, ears, eyes, nose, & mouth constantly. The loose sand is being blown around so much it looks hazy all the time. He said the sand gets into everything. Roo usually does not cuss in front of me but told me that place is the asshole of the Earth.
I can't say this enough Thank you again!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Weekend disappeared again
Phillip, Amanda, Caden, & Brook came over Friday night and brought me some chocolate. The little ones watched a movie and the big kids played Rock Band2. Saturday we stayed home most of the day but did manage to go to Phil's house and play Cranium with Joe, Chenin, and them and before I knew it, it was Sunday. After church we went to my mom and dads for lunch and ice cream cake and more presents then we had to rush home because Joe was hooking up our router and I had to go to a Mary Kay party. I do not where makeup it is ITCHY but after I was all glammed up 2 different people said my face glowed. Maybe I should try more often instead of the very rare occasion to wear the stuff. I really liked the smooth look it gave me.

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Birthday - GREAT DAY!
I had a terrific day yesterday. I took the day off and I had my hair high lighted. My husband gave me The Sims 2 the computer games. I have never been into video games but I love that game I make up my family and they have to do what I tell them. My own utopia LOL. My parents took my family out to dinner YUM and gave me my favorite flowers(tulips). Gener gave me the pans I wanted and Tilda gave me the bird feeder I wanted and I received a call from Roo this week. My sis gave me a gift certificate and the little ones came to spend the night and eat the wonderful giant cupcake birthday cake Lisa gave me. Lisa is so talented she also makes her own cards. 
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Prayers are answered!
I was desperate for a phone call. I just needed to hear his voice. In my brain he is okay if I can talk to him. I know he will sugarcoat anything that happens so I don't worry.(Yeah right) I am going on the theory that ignorance is bliss. I am not asking any questions that I don't want to know the answer to. I prayed a lot yesterday and he just called a few minutes ago and his voice made my whole day. I can't believe how instantly my crappy mood turned into joy. You cannot wipe the smile off my face. My middle son also called me today. I am extremely blessed.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Deployment sucks!
My oldest son was sent to Iraq last week. I have not been able to think about it without breaking down so it has been awhile since my last blog. I have had 2 really bad days so far, the day he left and last Saturday. Last Saturday I stayed in bed all day. I finally got up around 8pm when my 2 younger sons made me get up and play Pictionary with them. I can't wait until we play this game with a bunch of people camping. It will be hilariously funny. I also got to play a hand of Euchre which is my favorite card game. I managed to have a lot of fun for a couple hours. The other 3 men in my family have been spoiling me rotten for the last week. I am hoping for a movie and some snuggle time this weekend. It is my birthday Friday so I'm thinking my teenagers will still be really sweet towards me for 1 more day at least. LOL The weekends are difficult because I'm just waiting for the phone to ring. I don't even want to leave the house. I know he has our cell number but cell to cell sometimes the connections get lost or never connect. I have received a couple emails but I just so badly want to hear his voice. I know that he is exactly where he wants to be, doing exactly what he wants to be doing. I just WORRY! I have read up on where he is stationed and it seems pretty safe. That is what I keep telling myself anyway. I just wonder how safe can Iraq be for an American? I know I know he is a big strong Marine but he will always be my little boy. Have I mentioned before I hate my boys growing up?
To everyone for putting up with my crappy butt
Lisa for the visit and the flowers
Nikki for the talk!
To everyone for putting up with my crappy butt
Lisa for the visit and the flowers
Nikki for the talk!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What happened?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Busy Busy Busy
Last weekend my husband started painting my bedroom. I love the color purple and when my husband was starting it was really pretty but after it dried it is the ugliest purple you could imagine. I asked him to stop. I was going to run to get a different color but he said let's see what a whole wall looks like since we already had 3 gallons of this color. Well it is not my favorite but the color is much better than the dirty peachy color that my room was. While he was painting my youngest son and I went to a going away party for my cousin Jason. He is being deployed to Hawaii. After that we went out to my husband's sisters house to pick up a wonderful birthday cake, she made for me. This is the cutest cake I have ever laid my eyes on!

Then on Saturday night we went over to a friends house and played Cranium. That game is too fun! I have not laughed that hard in a long time. On Sunday we celebrated my nephews 3rd birthday and the cake tasted as good as it looked. Thanks Lisa!!
My oldest son gets deployed to Iraq in a few days. So I am trying to keep my mind as busy as possible so I don't worry too much but I am also talking to him every night, telling him how much we love him and asking a million questions. I will not be able to talk to him much for the next 7 months. I am getting more and more scared everyday but I don't want him to know that. The only thing I what him to be thinking about is to keep himself safe.

Then on Saturday night we went over to a friends house and played Cranium. That game is too fun! I have not laughed that hard in a long time. On Sunday we celebrated my nephews 3rd birthday and the cake tasted as good as it looked. Thanks Lisa!!
My oldest son gets deployed to Iraq in a few days. So I am trying to keep my mind as busy as possible so I don't worry too much but I am also talking to him every night, telling him how much we love him and asking a million questions. I will not be able to talk to him much for the next 7 months. I am getting more and more scared everyday but I don't want him to know that. The only thing I what him to be thinking about is to keep himself safe.
Friday, March 13, 2009
I have been at my job for 17 years. I think I am pretty good at it and very comfortable but a new higher position at my work has opened up. I think I want it but it is a lot of new learning and I'm not sure I will get the job because all the other Service Managers in the company are male and have been for the last 75 years. I don't mind the learning new stuff. For the last 2 weeks I am trying to do my job, organize the mess that was left, and learn fast what needs to be done in that position. I must say the days have been flying by. I have been going to school to one day take over that office but I thought it would be 5-10 years down the road. One minute I want the job and the next I wonder whether I want all the new responsibilities. I kinda like that I know almost everything about my current job and have set hours. 7-3:30 works out great for me because I go to school in the evenings. I am also afraid that if I get that office organized and back to functioning and my company hires someone else after all the hard work I have been putting in that my feelings will get hurt and I will quit. Or at the very least have a very bad attitude toward the company(I currently love) and any new hire. I would have to deal more with Joe Public and not sure how well I would like that but I already know most of our customers and doing more than my fair share of that job anyway. I feel like such a flip flopper. Do I or Don't I?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Am I wrong?
I have been debating for 2 days now and waiting for the prison to call me back(checking on visitor list). My husband's ex is in prison for killing a man while she was drunk, high on coke and weed for the last 8 years. I have kept in touch with her family for the boys and always invited them to birthdays and Christmas. After Missi went away to prison my husband and I sat down and had a talk with Sylvia and her husband that we never wanted the boys exposed to that life. They agreed! Well last Saturday she picked up my oldest son who is home before he gets deployed later this month. They were taking him out to lunch. As a surprise they took him to the prison to see her. I know that he is 19 and a man but I don't give a rip if he would be 40. I do NOT want my boys to have to or even want to visit her in prison. She didn't bother to visit them for 2 years before she even went to prison. She doesn't pay a penny in child support and never has even though she is in a work release prison because she is supposed to have a job and gets 1 weekend a month off. If I find out she took my middle son also, who needs our signature, we am going to court to have visitation rights taken away. I know if I try to discuss this with Sylvia I am going to lose my temper but if I just never invite her to family functions again. Will she do this again? I just don't know what to do. I am good friends with her other daughter Dawn maybe if I calm down enough I will call her to see what she thinks. My husband wants to cut all ties with that side of the family even though he is good friends with Sylvia's son.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Last night the little ones came over to play with my boys. It was very noisy at the house last night between Rock Band, guitar lessons, and wrestling matches but I am not complaining. I have come to realize I like a noisy home much better than a quiet one except when they are sleeping they look sooo sweet.

I woke up this morning and had 5 Angels crashed out in my house!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
YEAH My house is full again of men. My oldest is home for 10 days, getting him home was quite an ordeal. His plane was late from Palm Springs to Phoenix so he could not make his transfer flight to Chicago. Luckily his Aunt lives in Phoenix and he didn't have to sleep in the airport. Then US Airlines didn't confirm his flight so when he got back to the airport he didn't have a flight again but they finally found him a flight. Thank God! My middle son finally decided to visit. I had not heard from Gener(middle son) for 2 weeks and was so upset/angry/worried that I was sick to my stomach and bawling. He has made some really bad decisions lately. I have asked myself 50 times this week what have I done wrong that my son doesn't want anything to do with me. My youngest has also let his grades drop some and boy oh boy have I been in a mood. I tried yesterday to just be happy that my oldest was home but I am not good at just letting things go. I cannot pretend things are hunky dory. I have to discuss/vent/yell what my feelings and emotions are. I can't keep them to myself. I wear my emotions on my sleeve, my family can look at me and know what kind of mood I'm in.
Anyway... I don't know how this works but as I am discussing his recent actions, he hugs and kisses me and says I love you mom. Instantly I begin to wonder if he is really stubborn/reckless or have I have been over-reacting. My heart is screaming at me how can you be mad at him he loves you! I forget everything bad that has happened in the last week and my mood goes from crappy to wonderful.
I am big into family meals. When the boys were growing up we always sat down at the table together to eat but as the boys got older and so many different schedules family meals became farther and farther apart. I came from a eat together family and I love how close we are. Also I love all the commercials about families that eat together, I point them out and say see why I want everyone at the table for supper. Cheesy I know but... I made chili last night and we all sat down at the table together the 5 of us. I had forgotten how great it feels to just sit, talk, and eat.
The highlight of my day/week/year was last night. I received four different kisses good night. I have not gotten bedtime kisses in a long from the boys. I am truly blessed!!
Anyway... I don't know how this works but as I am discussing his recent actions, he hugs and kisses me and says I love you mom. Instantly I begin to wonder if he is really stubborn/reckless or have I have been over-reacting. My heart is screaming at me how can you be mad at him he loves you! I forget everything bad that has happened in the last week and my mood goes from crappy to wonderful.
I am big into family meals. When the boys were growing up we always sat down at the table together to eat but as the boys got older and so many different schedules family meals became farther and farther apart. I came from a eat together family and I love how close we are. Also I love all the commercials about families that eat together, I point them out and say see why I want everyone at the table for supper. Cheesy I know but... I made chili last night and we all sat down at the table together the 5 of us. I had forgotten how great it feels to just sit, talk, and eat.
The highlight of my day/week/year was last night. I received four different kisses good night. I have not gotten bedtime kisses in a long from the boys. I am truly blessed!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Well my youngest got his permit so he can drive now legally with an adult. In 9 months he will have his license and I will no longer be taxi. We don't know if Jamie and I have built up a better tolerance over the years of teaching 3 boys to drive but Tilda does not scare us as much as Roo or Gener did. Roo's driving still scares the crap out of me! LOL My husband has always been afraid to ride with the boys so most of the initial driving was left up to me. Hopefully he will be better now and let Tilda drive more with him. My youngest is on a mission to get all his hours in right away so I will be a passenger for the next 9 months. I have been taking him out for the last few months day, night, rain, sleet, snow, even ice, good and bad roads trying to get him as much experience as possible. I wish I would have put him in Drive Right last summer but the stupid school said he was going to get Driver's Ed last semester. What a bunch of crock. I called the school at the beginning of this semester to find out why he was still not enrolled and was told only 60 kids out of 2000 at his school is being offered Driver's Ed. They just didn't have the funding. What the hell is the $250 for the class for was my question. I was told that poor families didn't have to pay. WTF! Anyway...I need to change the subject to get off of my soapbox.
My oldest will be home this weekend for 10 days and I am so excited. I am not going to think about him being deployed in a month at all while he is home.
My oldest will be home this weekend for 10 days and I am so excited. I am not going to think about him being deployed in a month at all while he is home.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Cell Phones for Soldiers
Well in the last week my youngest has started Drive Right and is finishing up with swimming including the parties that go with it. He is now the proud owner of a purple piece of crap! We call it the Barney mobile. We have managed to get our taxes done. Thank God. I still need to paint my bedroom and start covering up the paneling in the basement. We tried to go bowling with some friends Saturday night but a 10 minute wait turned into 2 hours and then we wouldn't have but a few minutes until Moonlight bowling started. My husband did some drunk dialing when we got home and pranked a few friends also his step-mom. He scared the crap out of her using the computer sound bite websites. He is such a brat. He never talks on the phone unless he has a couple cocktails. LOL I took my youngest out driving and delivered a big chocolate Kiss to my middle son I hope he got it. My oldest will be home in a week. I can't wait! I finally got to spend some time with my niece and nephews. They have been in Florida for a month. I took my first test in Statistics but have not got my grade yet, hopefully an "A". I should find out tomorrow. Tonight besides homewook I am mailing a package of cookies to Brad(Oldest sons BF) a kid that has been like a son to us for 5-6 years now. Brad was just deployed last week to Afghanistan. I delivered 20 phone to Cell phones for Soldiers. So that is 20 - 1 hour phone cards YEAH!!
The phones are sent to ReCellular, which pays Cell Phones for Soldiers for each donated phone – enough to provide an hour of talk time to soldiers abroad.
Cell Phones for Soldiers, initiated in 2004 by then 14-year-old Brittany Bergquist and her 13-year-old brother Robbie, uses funds from recycled cell phones to buy prepaid phone cards for active duty military members – to help connect them with their families.
Through generous donations and the recycling of used cell phones from drop-off sites across the country, Cell Phones for Soldiers has already raised more than $1 million and distributed more than 75 thousand phone cards to soldiers overseas.
The phones are sent to ReCellular, which pays Cell Phones for Soldiers for each donated phone – enough to provide an hour of talk time to soldiers abroad.
Cell Phones for Soldiers, initiated in 2004 by then 14-year-old Brittany Bergquist and her 13-year-old brother Robbie, uses funds from recycled cell phones to buy prepaid phone cards for active duty military members – to help connect them with their families.
Through generous donations and the recycling of used cell phones from drop-off sites across the country, Cell Phones for Soldiers has already raised more than $1 million and distributed more than 75 thousand phone cards to soldiers overseas.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Empty nest scares the crap out of me
Well yesterday my baby got his first car and tonight he starts drive right. I am not old enough to have 3 grown boys. I swear just yesterday they were sweet little kids! I met my children 12 years ago. My baby was 4 years old now he is driving. What the hell happened. I can't even remember my life before kids. My 17 year old isn't talking to me right now but hopefully it is a phase. I think all parents have teenager battle wounds/scars. I have made many mistakes, becoming a wife and mother at the same time was hard. I have terrific parents and wanted to be the perfect parents too. I love the boys with my whole heart and just want what is best for them and to keep them safe. We might not always like their choices but we always love them. I wish I could go back in time and do some things different but I wonder would my boys be the men they are now? My oldest lost all his boyish looks. Somehow overnight he turned into a very handsome grown man that we are so proud of. I hate the thought of my boys growing up and not needing us.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
T Peed

I woke up this morning and my house was TPed. I don't know when it could have happened. I picked up Brett from a party last night around 10:30pm and we came home and watched a movie. The picture window is right by the trees the kids TPed. We were up to about 2am and never saw or heard a thing. My son is an awesome swimmer. He finished 6th in the 100 breaststroke and 8th in the 50 free. We spent the day at the NIC X Championships!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Righteous Kill
After school last night, we watched a movie. The above movie had Robert DeNiro & Al Pacino plus lots of good actors. This is the first movie in a long time that I didn't guess the ending. I was told by my sister to watch it that it was really good. She was right! My husband always falls asleep during movies but this movie managed to keep his interest all the way to the end. He actually stayed awake! The two main actors are cops trying to figure out who is a serial killer. The serial killer is only killing low lives (child killers, pimps, drug dealers). I recommend this movie but not with little kids.
On another note Great news - My oldest is coming home for 11 days! YEAH!!!!
On another note Great news - My oldest is coming home for 11 days! YEAH!!!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Well the day was great. My husband's team won! We had 20 adults and 7 kids over fun was had by everyone. The birthday cake that Lisa made was amazing! She is truly talented.
This is her talking to my oldest son. Every time I take a picture of someone talking to my oldest they all have a huge smile on their face. He is such a charmer.

I need to learn how to load images better on this site.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Swim meet
This is my very handsome youngest son as I mentioned before he is very smart and he is also a terrific swimmer.
------------------------This is the Mighty Guilford Vikings!-----------------------
After the national anthem the meet starts loud and stays loud until the diving events. During the diving it is totally silent.
Step up

All done in a matter of minutes or if they are really good seconds but not to worry there are many many events at a meet.
I am so happy that my son is in a team sport. I believe the more he is involved in
school the more it helps him become a happier and more well rounded person. He hated his freshman year until he started swimming. I think it helped break him out of his shell.

After the national anthem the meet starts loud and stays loud until the diving events. During the diving it is totally silent.
Step up

I am so happy that my son is in a team sport. I believe the more he is involved in
school the more it helps him become a happier and more well rounded person. He hated his freshman year until he started swimming. I think it helped break him out of his shell.

Friday, January 30, 2009

I had no idea this was going on until I went last April to watch my son graduate from boot camp. We arrived on a Thursday and had a family day, then Friday was his actual graduation. When my husband & I arrived on Friday most of the parents were wearing red. It was quite a site to see. I was discussing this with Dawn(my sons Aunt that attended also) and a lot of the shirts said "Military Families Wear Red on Fridays." Believe me as soon as the ceremony was over I went and purchased two of those red shirts. I now wear red every Friday.
This is the info I found on the net...
Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to be called the "silent majority". We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions. Many Americans, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of America supports our troops.
Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday -and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that.. Every red-blooded American who supports our men and women afar will wear something red. By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make the United States on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers.
If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family. It will not be long before the USA is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once "silent" majority is on their side more than ever; certainly more than the media lets on.
The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things better for you?"is...We need your support and your prayers.
Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear something red every Friday.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Where did I go wrong?
My middle son has been making some bad decisions. How did we not teach him right from wrong? We love him and only want the best for him. Why are my kids so anxious to move out? Is life at our house so bad? I feel like such a failure as a mom. My oldest moved out at 18. Things were not good at our house back then. I worried myself sick over the path he was taking. He is now a United States Marine and we are so proud of the man he has become. I still worry about the being a Marine part because he is deploying soon. My youngest is showing great promise. He has always been very smart. All my boys are very smart, my youngest has just always applied himself. He has been an overachiever since kindergarten. He is considering finishing high school and getting his Associates degree at the same time. Am I being a better mom to him or will he be running for the door a year from now?
I have a tremendous amount of self doubt now. Does that come with being a mom? I also feel this is affecting my marriage. If I am failing as a mother am I also failing as a wife? Stress makes your mind do funny things. My husband's birthday was Tuesday. His sister had called to talk and he was venting to her because he feels so frustrated too. In my mind he was airing our dirty laundry and giving people proof of what a failure I am. I know in my heart that is not what he was doing but I started a fight with him last night anyway. I was mad at my kid but was taking it out on my husband. I am so sorry Jamie!
I have a tremendous amount of self doubt now. Does that come with being a mom? I also feel this is affecting my marriage. If I am failing as a mother am I also failing as a wife? Stress makes your mind do funny things. My husband's birthday was Tuesday. His sister had called to talk and he was venting to her because he feels so frustrated too. In my mind he was airing our dirty laundry and giving people proof of what a failure I am. I know in my heart that is not what he was doing but I started a fight with him last night anyway. I was mad at my kid but was taking it out on my husband. I am so sorry Jamie!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
La Torta Teca (I think)
After school last night I was taking my husband to Diamond Dave's but it was closed down so I took him to this restaurant (Old Ponderosa) on Sandyhollow Road for his birthday dinner. It was great! The place don't look like much from the outside but the inside is bright and very clean. They make wonderful Margaritas but I only had 1 because I had to drive. We are going to have to go back so I can have more and Jamie can drive home. If you like Mexican food this is a good place to go the food was terrific. Our waiter also gave us impeccable service. The price are really reasonable. We spent $60 for 4 meals and Jamie had a couple Captain and cokes and that included a 20% tip. I am so glad we found this place because our favorite restaurants have closed down.(Tumbleweeds & Diamond Dave's)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I need a new computer!
After work last night I went home to do some homework. My youngest was already home doing the same. The price he has to pay for going on vacation for 10 days. Major makeup work! My Statistics class homework is online in which is run by Internet Explorer. Well my old piece of crap computer will not keep IE running. I got totally disgusted and just played some online Euchre and watched House. I didn't even go buy my new walking shoes that I wanted to buy to get me motivated to start walking again. I am going to get my fat butt up and going again. I am also going to have to buy a new computer besides the new carpet with my tax refund.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Rockford Airport
I must say that having to pick up the boys from an airport is usually a chore. Driving into Chicago, fighting traffic, trying to find a place to park, is a pain in the butt. I didn't even mention the return trip. The trip usually takes between 3-6 hours. I hate Midway by the way but Rockford airport is wonderful. No long drive. No long lines. Parking is free and available and best of all once the boys get off the plane they are home! I hope the next time my oldest comes home he can fly into Rockford it is so much easier. The only downfall is they don't have daily flights so scheduling is not the best. From now on I will be using the Rockford airport for all my travels.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday and Saturday
Friday night after work I did the norm. I went to the grocery store and to Wal-mart. Dad and I watched a movie "Wanted" with Angie Jo-Lips. I liked it but of course dad fell asleep and said it was boring. Saturday dad woke up really early so after picking up the house he went and picked up Uncle Mark to play Nascar video game I played online Euchre. Uncle Tom called and said they were having a get together at Phillips for his and Amanda'a birthday. Barb & Beth made all kinds of food. So we went over to visit, eat, hold Brook, and play Wii. Amanda started felling sick again after eating I think she might be having gallbladder attacks. Her dad came and picked her up and went to the hospital. I got Brook to sleep and then was watching Kung Foo Panda with Caden but you know how hard it is to watch movies with a little kid. He is so loud & hyper but adorable. I'm goin to call there in a little bit to see how Amanda is. I haven't got to talk to your brothers in two days. They had their own room and have been hitting the parks for the last couple days. Brett's cell phone is in grandma's room. I'm so glad you got to call home last night and talk for a couple of minutes. Talk to you in a week. Love & Miss U!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Our life is dull
I didn't realize how dull my life is until I started this blog. Last night I got off work and went to school. Class ran a little long so I didn't get home until 6:15pm. Dad had Shells & Cheese ready for dinner. I ate, did the dishes, and completed some homework. Dad took a shower and went to Uncle Mark's house because I was watching two episodes of CSI. Grisom left so I don't know how much longer this show will last. The younger two boys went to Epcot today. I didn't get to talk to them but dad texted Tilda. I hope you get some time off this weekend to have some fun and maybe get to call home. I am getting very lonely and bored with no kids around. Love & Miss U!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Movie night
Well went home last night after work and had frozen pizza(Papa Jamie Pizza). The two younger boys were at Magic Kingdom. Gener loves the feeling he gets going there. I guess he gets that from me and my dad. He says the other parks don't feel the same. I agree! It really is the happiest place on earth for young, not so young, and old. After I did a couple pages of homework and tried to figure out that $150 calculator we watched "My Bestfriend's Girl" with Kate Hudson & Dane Cook. I love him, he is so funny. Dad of course loves Kate Hudson. It kinda reminded me of "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" but still funny and pretty good. We watched the unrated version lots of bad words and some nakedness but funny! Good date movie. Love & Miss U!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Dad & I were going to watch a movie last night but he was preoccupied. So I finished a book I was reading and he went down the basement to play video games. He called the boys and I thought awww he misses them. My husband never likes to talk on the phone. A while later he comes up and tells me this information that takes my breath away. We have done everything we can think of to teach our kids right from wrong. Do kids go brain dead in the teenage years. Why do they lie? Why do they try to be so sneaky and deceitful? I hope my son is not the guy that no matter what he does can't dig himself out of the hole that he has gotten himself into. I never want to have to visit my kid in prison! I realize that I will never hear the whole truth. If I feel this bad inside, how bad must he feel? My mom says that kids from the age of 13-25 lose their brains and hate their parents. Not to worry their brains & love will come back. What would make a person aspire to be white trash?
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Quiet evening
I started a new book by James Patterson "You've been Warned" last night and got about half way through it. The main character reminds me of Sarah (dad's cousin). I could have finished it last night but had to read a chapter in my Statistics textbook. I also had to watch House, it comes on on monday nights now. Gener and Tilda called they had a fun day at Blizzard Beach. On the big slide Tilda reached 64mph and Gener got 61mph. Grandma said she saw way too much old man crack today LOL. Dad spent his night cooking up some chicken legs that he ended up throwing away said they were nasty. He played some Nascar and messed around on the computer pranking Jay. Our life is very dull without you boys around. Love & Miss U!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Superbowl bound
Well your dad's team pulled it off they get to play in the big game against the Cardinals. We had the normal bunch over. Uncle Tom, Uncle Mark, Joe, Phillip, Stephen, and Jay. Of course they ended up in the basement playing 3 ball. I fell off the eating healthy kick and ate way too much. My gut fells terrible today so back to the salads. I had to take Jay and Uncle Mark home since you are not home to play taxi. So guess what, now I get to plan a Superbowl party. I'll take some pictures and post for you. Gener called home to congratulate dad so he must have been watching the game too. I hope my youngest 2 boys are having fun on vacation. I hope my oldest is getting to have a little fun out in the field also while still training to be safe. Love & Miss U!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Just stayed at home yesterday. We did make a trip to Wal-mart but way too many people. Had to pick up stuff for the game today. I did manage to get outside for a couple of minutes and helped dad bring in some fire wood. It felt pretty good after being stuck in the house for two days because of the -20 below weather. Roo your brothers were at Hollywood Studios yesterday and are going to Typhoon Lagoon today. I know you are back in the field today but I will talk to you as soon as you get baack. Love & Miss U!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
We were invited to Gary & Kathy's (Action Towing) annual party last night and we were also invited to go bowling with Phillip & Amanda. It is Amanda's birthday. We went to Kathy's because we only get to see them a couple times a year and we see Phil all the time. I behaved, sort of, I know that when I get around CiCi I can get very drunk. We sat around drinking & talking for awhile then started playing Euchre even dad played as Jeff's partner until he got mad and quit. We had a great time of course we didn't get home til 2am and only then because dad was falling asleep in the chair (like usual) LOL. You know how I love to play cards. I hope you boys had as much fun as me tonight. We are having people over for the Steelers game tomorrow. Dad & I are bored without you boys so we are turning into social butterflies. Love & Miss U!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Larry the Cable Guy
My husband and I went to see Larry the Cable Guy last night at the Metrocentre. My sister gave us tickets for Christmas. I had to drop off my two youngest sons at her house. They are heading to Florida to see my folks for 10 days. Anyway the show was sold out completely not an empty seat in the whole place. He had an opening act, the guy was pretty good. I can't remember his name but he lasted for about 15-20 minutes. Larry came out and he has lost 50 pounds. It was the coldest night on record and of course he had a few jokes about the weather. He was so funny but he talked about so many things that I can't remember but a couple good ones. He joked around for about 1.5 hours and had everyone in stitches. He puts on a really great show. If you ever get the chance to go see him do it!
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